App Router

Revalidating Path

  • This page takes 10 seconds to be rendered (when not cached)
  • The rendering contains two sequential fetched requests tagged with unique tags.
  • Time in New York: 5:36:29 PM (obtained via fetch)
  • Lorem ipsum post content is obtained via fetch using the seconds of Time in New York as postId (29 seconds)
  • When invalidating via tags, the path cache is removed and the page is rendered via Server until a new snapshot is CDN cached.
  • As the Lorem Post fetch depends on the NYC Time fetch, if you invalidate the Post Fetch only (via Lorem Post Tag), it fetched the endpoint again with the same Post Id (cached value from the NYC Fetch). You will notice it as the Vercel Serverless Fn timestamp changes.
  • Both path-based and tag-based revalidations are not re-validating the cache, but invalidating it instead. In other words, it clears the corresponding cached values without storing new ones (fresh values).
  • Cache is going to be populated based on future requests. That's why it takes 10 seconds when reloading the page after invalidating cache to get something renderd (page keeps loading).

[29] iusto eius quod necessitatibus culpa ea

Last snapshot (Vercel Serverless Fn Time): 5:36:33 PM

odit magnam ut saepe sed non qui tempora atque nihil accusamus illum doloribus illo dolor eligendi repudiandae odit magni similique sed cum maiores